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Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Free Conference with a Self-Care Focus


I’m presenting at the New Year Reboot Conference hosted by @educators2educators on January 2-3, 2021! The conference is 100% free and virtual. You can completely customize your experience and watch one or all of the 70+ pre-recorded presentations! The theme of the virtual conference is Teacher Self-Care + Let’s Get Through This Year!

You can register to attend for free at educators2educators.com

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Be Kind To Yourself


While it is still a part of the weekend, it has the potential to bring a lot of dread. I'll admit as Sunday goes on I find myself filled with dread (about another worth week) and cursing myself for not getting more done. So what do I do? Rush to complete the to do list I didn't bother to touch. Does this sound familiar?

...and then as I rush around trying to get it all done, I'm not being particularly nice to myself. My self talk is the kind of stuff I wouldn't say to someone else! Yet, here I am saying it to myself. It is in these moments that we need to remember to keep track of our own mindsets. It's not healthy to act this way towards ourselves and it is easy to fix with a mindset shit, some deep breaths and maybe some better time management skills.

Weekends are meant for rejuvenating and family - not always to do lists. I get it! Things need to get done but don't forget to give yourself some grace! Especially now. Even if the only thing you accomplish is cleaning your pantry (which wasn't even on your list to begin with).

At least it is something. Don't forget to focus on all the things you did get done and not just what you didn't. It's okay, the dirt will still be there tomorrow :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



    Self-care is probably the most important thing for those of us in education to remember. I may shock you with this....but it is even more important than test scores, homework, data, grading papers. Teachers are not going to provide the best instruction if they are not at their best. 

    It is like that saying in airplanes that you must put on your oxygen mask before helping those around you. In order to best help our students we HAVE TO HELP OURSELVES. I mean, we still have to do our jobs BUT we need to give ourselves some grace every once in awhile too.

    I haven't been great at blogging lately or really any of the extra stuff lately, but I do want to make sure that I'm doing what I can to share out about something I'm very passionate about. SELF-CARE.

    Today I want to just start by reminding you that you are doing great things and that is awesome! 

    I hope to have more tips soon! Stay Safe!