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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dare to Dream #tptsellerchallenge -- Week 2

This week the #tptsellerchallenge asks to “dare to dream.” It is meant to allow us to talk about our hopes and dreams for our TpT business.

When I started my journey with TpT I was looking for extra money after moving with my then boyfriend (now husband) and his two kids away from my half-time teaching job and full-time summer job. I wanted any extra money I could get. I wanted whatever money I could get, even if it was just 30 cents.

Luckily, I got a full-time job as an aide (not that it was much money) but money was a little less tight. Luckily, that turned into a long-term substitute job and that made things much better.

I stay with TpT now for that same reason. I like to be able to make extra money so that I don’t have to feel that pressure anymore. My dare to dream for TpT is and always has been these things

1. I saved for a very long time to put down a down payment on a house. I won’t lie now I really miss that giant dollar amount in my savings account (just in case). That number is not NEARLY as large and it freaks me out. I would really like to be able to increase that again but there just isn’t a bunch leftover every month to raise it like I want. As we begin to explore having a child of our own (our children now are both from my husband). I want to be sure we have the money to provide our children and ourselves with the things we want and need.

2. That being said, I want to be able to go on vacations and do fun events without worrying about the money.

3. I went to school using money my parents had saved and that I had earned by working. I want to help my children get through undergraduate without loans (or almost none). My husband is still paying off his loans and I have seen what a burden loans are (I have my own now for my Masters). I hope to provide my children with a successful start to their lives after college if I can.


  1. You should! I know you probably have some great ideas and a knowlegable person to help you out.
