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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Classroom Decor Products

I have been spending a lot of time getting some of my favorite back to school products finished. I will be the first to admit that I am OBSESSED with classroom themes. I currently have a sports theme but I love seeing and making products for others to have different themes. I currently am working on punctuation posters, 0-20 number posters, behavior clip charts, and alphabet posters. Keep reading for examples of each of the products I have as well as the different themes.

Punctuation Posters
(Includes posters for period, exclamation point, question mark, apostrophe, comma, colon, hyphen, semi-colon, parenthesis & quotation marks)

0-20 Number Posters
Includes posters for numbers 0-20 that the numeral, number word and a tens frame

Behavior Clip Chart
Includes full sized clip chart parts with the following levels (outstanding, great day, good job, ready to learn, warning, teacher's choice, and parent contact). 

Alphabet Posters
This product contains 26 alphabet posters each with a themed graphic, colorful border, primary lined letters and initial sound clipart to match the letter. 

Currently I have all four of these products available in these themes at my TpT store. Laughing In Second - TpT Store

All 4 Products Available Now In These Themes

Carnival/Amusement Park

Some future ideas...coming soon?


If you have any additional theme ideas you'd like to suggest or that you might be interested in, please feel free to let me know in the comments. I'd also love to hear what you have currently in your classroom as your theme.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dare to Dream #tptsellerchallenge -- Week 2

This week the #tptsellerchallenge asks to “dare to dream.” It is meant to allow us to talk about our hopes and dreams for our TpT business.

When I started my journey with TpT I was looking for extra money after moving with my then boyfriend (now husband) and his two kids away from my half-time teaching job and full-time summer job. I wanted any extra money I could get. I wanted whatever money I could get, even if it was just 30 cents.

Luckily, I got a full-time job as an aide (not that it was much money) but money was a little less tight. Luckily, that turned into a long-term substitute job and that made things much better.

I stay with TpT now for that same reason. I like to be able to make extra money so that I don’t have to feel that pressure anymore. My dare to dream for TpT is and always has been these things

1. I saved for a very long time to put down a down payment on a house. I won’t lie now I really miss that giant dollar amount in my savings account (just in case). That number is not NEARLY as large and it freaks me out. I would really like to be able to increase that again but there just isn’t a bunch leftover every month to raise it like I want. As we begin to explore having a child of our own (our children now are both from my husband). I want to be sure we have the money to provide our children and ourselves with the things we want and need.

2. That being said, I want to be able to go on vacations and do fun events without worrying about the money.

3. I went to school using money my parents had saved and that I had earned by working. I want to help my children get through undergraduate without loans (or almost none). My husband is still paying off his loans and I have seen what a burden loans are (I have my own now for my Masters). I hope to provide my children with a successful start to their lives after college if I can.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Week One – TpT Seller Makeover Challenge

Week One: TpT Seller Challenge {Makeover Madness}

I love summer and I love for things to be colorful and interesting so I was very excited to be part of the TpT Seller Challenge.

I was as Disney with my family so I am a little bit late on week one but I am finally done with week one. #TpTSellerChallenge!

I am so excited about this awesome month of challenges and change.

To start off the challenge, I wrote down my social media stats at the start of the challenge and realized I had yet to make a Twitter for my store. Check out my stats here!

I spent most of my time working on some new covers that I made on products back when I first started selling (as you can see they needed help).

I am very excited for the rest of this challenge. I am also glad to be back from vacation so I can spend some time making new products as well. Keep checking back exciting things are on the way.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Moving On

I am so very sorry about my absence blog friends but the end of the year has just been crazy. Our district is taking 8 elementary schools down to 5 so our building is being closed down. Our new school is beautiful but it has been a lot of work to box up my old classroom.

New School

New Classroom

Yesterday was our last day of school and I just wasn’t sure how I would react emotionally. I did get a little teary when I turned in my keys to my principal. Our staff is getting sent all over the district so we will not ALL be together again. I have never stayed in the same classroom and this will be my 5th school building move in the last 10 years so the move isn’t overly hard or emotional for me but leaving some of my friends is. Here is the final result of all my packing and a picture of my large room that I have grown to love so much this school year.

I have some other things I’ll be catching up on blogging about here eventually. Just give me some time it is only my first day of summer J