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Friday, August 8, 2014

Nothing a little spray paint can't fix

My mom was a teacher for 35 years. She is my idol and she is amazing! However, when she retired from teaching I was the recipient of all of her teaching stuff. Now, don't think I'm NOT more than happy to have received all of these things because I AM :) I am very lucky in fact. However, sometimes her amazing things have seen 35 years worth of love and you can tell -- especially plastic things such as this gem (that she and I use to store stickers). So I decided I needed to either fix it up or send it to the great big dumpster in the sky. So after some research I found some information on how to spray paint this bad boy!

So I headed off to Meijer to select spray paint colors (this of course was NO easy choice either). I was tempted to go with orange and brown -- the colors of my university (usually my go to color choices - orange and brown) but decided to do something a little bit different since I already have a lot of orange and brown in my room so I chose these two colors. 

And I have to say it went for the most part (and mind you I'm spray paint challenged...) it went amazingly. I am excited to share the finished product. 

So if you are thinking about spray painting something plastic. I leave you with two pieces of advice. 1. Don't forget to buy spray paint that adheres to plastic.
2. Don't get to spray happy or you will get bubbles.

But it is possible if you are wondering and it really makes things look amazing when done correctly.

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