I love to tell people stories. If you ask my husband or any of my friends I often love to tell stories so much that I tell them more than once. However, this one is a good one. My favorite place in the whole world is probably Cedar Point (in Sandusky, Ohio). I grew up in Sandusky, Ohio and probably would have stayed there forever until my now husband transferred for his work. I mean who wouldn't love this place (especially on the beach). Here is is from the beach at night. I also work here (now very part-time) but used to full-time in the summer. I work for the finance department (the bank of Cedar Point) and that's all I can tell you about that but I love it. The people I work with there are my family and this is my 12th season working there. I went there Friday night to see the beach party they do with the hubs, my momma and my 2 kiddos. We were in town because my beautiful best friend Kim was getting married. Now, back to the grind and getting my classroom ready. One week left!!

Cedar Point at night (Wicked Twister)
My beautiful best friend since second grade :)
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