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Saturday, May 28, 2016

End of the year

Happy end of the year (for those of you are done)! If you aren’t done yet, good luck as the end of the school year approaches. This is the first time I’ve ever been done before Memorial Day, and I love it J

This year was incredibly challenging & included a nice trip to the hospital for high blood pressure. (I can’t say for sure it was because of my class but if I had to guess). I’m sure being 8 months pregnant didn’t help.

I plan to continue working on some projects up until baby is born so please keep checking back at my store and see what new things pop up!

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Do you GoNoodle?

We do and we ALL need it!

My class doing a new GoNoodle activity about the heart. It can be educational too!

If you don’t know about it it is an online program that helps get kids moving with short interactive activities. This helps give kids movement breaks that will help them be more motivated and focus on learning. It is designed for the K-5 classroom. My classroom loves them for an afternoon break in our learning time.

GoNoodle is free, which is awesome because I know I sure do love free. You don’t need to have many materials just a computer, internet and some sort of projection system. There is a virtual mascot who grows as your class complete minutes on GoNoodle and the kids just LOVE this part. The activities range from 1-20 minutes long. My kids and I really love the Kids Zumba activities.

If you haven’t checked it out yet. I highly recommend it!

The view from my teacher desk.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


I’m sorry for my absence from the blog. I promise to be better but this year has been CRAZY! I’ll try and explain and fill you in.

1.    WORK
This year our district opened three brand new school buildings. The air conditioning was great at the beginning of the school year. However, it is TOUGH to move all of your things into a new room, get organized and prepare for a new school. Add to this that this year I wasn’t allowed to departmentalize so I had to prepare materials for Science, Social Studies and Math (as I have NEVER taught these for second grade).

Add to that that this year is NOT like last year. You all know what I’m talking about I’m sure. I have THE CLASS. Yeah, I know we all have them but this yearthey may just do me in. I have a runner, a cusser, a biter, a puncher

And the biggest crazy!

My husband and I are having a baby boy of our own! The first trimester did NOT go well. I think just this week I finally kept down dinner for the first time in 2 months. And then we had a pregnancy scare and for two weeks, I was worried about my health and the health of the baby. Luckily everything is all good.

So there is a lot going on around here. But I promise to share more and be more active. So be prepared.