I joined Stephanie from Mrs. D's Corner for a fun linky about our
goals for 2015!

I used to have a pretty
solid work out plan two years ago and last year it fell by the wayside (due to
exhaustion from a rather difficult class to handle). I’d like to get back to my
30 minutes minimum 5 days a week.
I have been selling on TpT
for two years now but only began to take it more seriously this summer and the
difference has been AMAZING! I want to continue to focus on my store and
creating products that I need and will use in my classroom. Last year (much to
my dismay) I could not attend the TpT conference in Las Vegas because I was on
my honeymoon. I am going this year! I plan to make the most of the experience
and really work to make connections with other sellers like me.
I am getting better every
year with planning but I hate the actual act of writing out lesson plans. I use
planbook.com and I love it because I can copy and paste the base of my plans
and can work from home on my lesson plans. I love that when I’m done I just
print them out. The problem is that I actually have to finish them sometimes.
Organization has never been
my strong point (at school or at home). I am hoping to get my monthly teaching
papers and books organized and give each month its own box and label it
appropriately as well as throw away some older items that I don’t need anymore.
I also really want to take
the time and organize and sort through the books in my classroom library. My
students keep wrecking it because the system I have is just not working for us
to organize them. I am thinking about putting circles on the front so the kids
don’t have to open the book to figure out what bin it goes in (this extra step
seems to take a lot of time for them).
This goes with my desire to
better organize my classroom library…I want to start an AR program for my classroom. I did this at a
former district and I loved it and the kids loved it. It helped with comprehension
and the incentives helped them want to do well. I had hoped to get this started
earlier this year but outside forces didn’t allow. I’d like to get organized
and start this out with this year’s classes so I get off the ground and running
right away next year.
Even on the worst days I try
to remind myself to stay positive. No matter what happens the next day will be
a new day…
What goals do you
have for 2015?